the Pilates Body in OKC - Experience the Difference

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Private Sessions
Semi-Private Sessions
Group Classes
Pilates Reformer
Circuit Training

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About Our Classes

Private | Semi-Private | Group | Reformer | Circuit

The Pilates Body in OKC offers a variety of class and training options to fit your needs and personal goals. If you are new to Pilates, we recommend completing at least five private sessions before attending group classes.

Private Sessions
Private lessons are available for those who prefer or require individual attention. Private lessons are one on one and allow us to customize training sessions to meet your specific body needs. These individually tailored sessions are designed to meet all your performance and rehabilitative goals while training your body to perform at its optimal level. Private sessions are required for anyone with severe movement limitations or injuries. Private sessions consist of apparatus work and mat work and may include the use of Thera-bands, light weights, fitness balls, Magic Circles, foam rollers, Bosu and Exer-dics. We recommend that each person new to Pilates complete at least five private sessions before attending classes.

Semi-Private Sessions
Semi-private sessions are available for those who want individual attention but prefer working out with others. This is often a fun way to get your best friend or family member to be your exercise companion. Motivation is the key to success when it comes to exercise, and if we have a workout partner, it gives us incentive to stick with the program and achieve our individual and collective goals. Sessions are customized to meet individual needs and include apparatus work and mat work with the use of props.

Group Classes
The Pilates Body offers a variety of group classes that challenge the body, stimulate the mind, and elevate the spirit. It is a wonderful way to strengthen and train the body while enjoying the fun-loving and highly motivational company of your fellow classmates. Class repertoire changes every day, so your body is constantly being challenged and strengthened in new ways. Classes can be customized to meet individual needs with different spring settings for challenge, intermediate, or beginner levels. All classes are one hour long and incorporate apparatus work with mat work and the use of props. Individual needs are addressed and modifications are presented for each exercise accordingly. We recommend that each person new to Pilates have at least five Private Sessions before attending Pilates Classes.

Pilates Reformer Classes
Reformer classes consist of work on the Reformer and Mat with the use of props.

Pilates Circuit Training
Circuit classes consist of work on the Callidac (Trapeze Table), Reformer, Combo Chair, and matwork with the use of props.